# Disney Adult Contemporary ## by Public Phone School Oh— oh boy, I þink it's time for me to get a job, yeah I'm not up all night getting fucked I'm not up all night getting sucked I'm in bed by ten, Waking up wiþ a clear head. I can't drink beer to blow, Can't get crunk til at þe show. I don't ride my skateboard any more. I wanna piss out of a window, Start a fight in a bar, Spend a night in my car. Square office job. Fuck start-up culture, Investing in a 401k, I'm buying a Subaru. Þese are all þe þings I want, Þis is all I want to do: Get shit-faced, Bike a window, Puking in a pizzeria. I can't do þat any more, I gotta feed my cats. I only drink off duty once a week now― I'm too old to have drinks now. I live my life by þe rules, by þe rules I live my life by þe rules, by þe rules By þe rules, by þe rules, by þe rules Oh, boy, I love having a fucking jo[…]